Janhvi Kapoor Shares Pics From 'Ulajh' Diaries; See Looks like Janhvi Kapoor has begun shooting for her upcoming film Ulajh Janhvi shared some clicks from what looks like the shoot of the film Ulajh was announced recently Ulajh, billed as a patriotic thriller, will be directed by National Award winner Sudhanshu Saria The movie also stars Gulshan Devaiah and Roshan Mathew Janhvi will be playing the role of a young IFS officer in the film Rajesh Tailang, Meiyang Chang, Sachin Khedekar, Rajendra Gupta and Jitendra Joshi are also part of the film It will be exciting to see what Janhvi brings to the table in Ulajh ( All Pics Credit: Instagram/@janhvikapoor)