Isha Ambani And Anand Piramal With Twin Babies Receive Grand Welcome At Ambani House Isha Ambani travelled to Mumbai on Saturday with her husband, Anand Piramal, and their twin babies. They reccieved a grand welcome by their family members as well as the media. Several members of the Ambani family, including Mukesh and Nita Ambani and their sons Anant and Akash Ambani were also seen Isha Ambani was seen in a video holding one of her twins while her father-in-law, businessman Ajay Piramal, looked at the second baby. They have come for a special puja, that is scheduled to be held at their residence Karuna Sindhu on December 25. Priests from Tirumala, Shree Dwarkadish Temple etc. will perform the special puja for the twins, reported Hindustan Times. The kids were born on November 19, in Los Angeles. The girl has been named Aadiya and the boy, Krishna. Isha's mother-in-law was seen waiting at the entry for the couple, which was decorated with flowers and sculptures. One of the babies was photographed with grandma Nita Ambani. In 2018, Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal got married in a lavish ceremony at Antilia, the Ambani home in Mumbai.