Rani Mukerji celebrated Durga Puja on Wednesday and The actress participated in ‘Sindoor Khela’. Rani Mukerji also distributed sweets to the paparazzi. ‘Sindoor Khela’ is celebrated on Dashami where women colour each other with vermillion. Kajol’s and actor Tanishaa Mukerji were also part of the puja celebration. Sumona Chakravarti also attended the pooja. In the picture, she is seen posing with Tanishaa. Rani and Sharbani Mukherji pose for the pictures. Rani looked beautiful in a white and golden saree with red blouse. She also waved to the fans who cheered for the actress. Tanushree Dutta too attended the festivities. Rani, Sharbani and Tanishaa are all smile as they pose for the camera.