Horoscope Today: Let’s know what astrology and the planets have in store for people born under different sun signs. Aries: Boosted business, investment gains, love focus, family bond, potential travel, student opportunities. Taurus: Debt relief, business tweaks, profit edge, work challenges, love harmony, student success. Gemini: Financial gains, caution in decisions, sports day, home tasks, romance blooms, travel delays. Cancer: Mother's well-being, workplace stress, relationship issues, travel caution, decision-making. Leo: Courage boost, business growth, job change, positive shifts, student advantage. Virgo: Financial caution, task focus, moderate work, family moments, health alert. Libra: Intellectual growth, partnership benefits, business success, study focus. Scorpio: Foreign contact issues, financial care, value spending, health caution, partner decisions. Sagittarius: Profit boost, unique work style, business promise, love bond, student opportunities. Capricorn: Job change hint, business rise, personal success, partner understanding, youth duties. Aquarius: Spiritual focus, profit gains, family recognition, relation harmony, sports dedication. Pisces: Travel issues, market caution, work urgency, manage anger, love hiccups, study focus.