Horoscope Today: Moon influences zodiac signs, astrological predictions for September 3.

Aries: Moon brings turbulence but favors electronics recycling.

Taurus: Moon in 12th house leads to expenses, choose words wisely.

Gemini: Moon in 11th house, adapt wisely, minor disagreements.

Cancer: Moon in 10th house, job changes, growth in medical sector.

Leo: Moon in 9th house, fortune shines, financial gains.

Virgo: Moon in 8th house, tackle complex issues, cautious spending.

Libra: Moon in 7th house, expand business, joyful love life.

Scorpio: Moon in 6th house, resolve conflicts, strengthen bonds.

Sagittarius: Moon in 5th house, joy from children, job opportunities.

Capricorn: Moon in 4th house, increase family comfort, workload.

Aquarius: Moon in 3rd house, appreciation at work, maintain health.

Pisces: Moon in 2nd house, focus on good deeds, adapt to changes.