Horoscope Today: Let’s know what astrology and the planets have in store for people born under different sun signs. Aries: Ethical values shine; business boost; productive start; student diligence; couples' quality time. Taurus: Self-confidence rise; dispute resolution; increased social interactions; love reminiscing. Gemini: Legal challenges; financial distractions; family concerns; social budget wavering. Cancer: Positive news; digital advertising focus; job success; academic victory; potential trip. Leo: Political tensions; manpower needs; health concerns; media professionals' favour; sports caution. Virgo: Enhanced social life; business profit concerns; relationship rifts; love life mixed results; technical challenges. Libra: Property resolution; financial status change; cautious investments; relationship misunderstandings; journey caution. Scorpio: Spousal bond strength; business growth; engagement discussions; practical studies; sports track caution. Sagittarius: Debt relief; business boost; old investment concerns; relationship miscommunications; health focus. Capricorn: Improved concentration; business research; social attention; romantic misunderstandings; exam focus. Aquarius: Property resolutions; business engagements; investment anxiety; relationship caution; trip profitability. Pisces: Courage rise; promising venture; social media recognition; mentor collaboration.