Horoscope Today: Let’s know what astrology and the planets have in store for people born under different sun signs. Aries: Moon in 7th house brings business surge, family discussions, caution in health. Taurus: Moon in 6th house warns of physical stress, business success, personal decisions, and gastric issues. Gemini: Moon in 5th house brings child happiness, business profits, workplace admirers, and care for nerve health. Cancer: Moon in 4th house affects mother's health, business losses, delayed tasks, and vehicle issues. Leo: Moon in 3rd house advises sibling care, business success, workplace recognition, and caution in love life. Virgo: Moon in 2nd house signals financial benefits, business gains, foreign study proposals, and caution in diet. Libra: Moon in your sign brings finesse, business profits, bank balance boost, and health alertness. Scorpio: Moon in 12th house suggests legal learning, work pressure, relationship caution, and success for foreign students. Sagittarius: Moon in 11th house warns of sibling disputes, business contracts, banking profits, and family surprises. Capricorn: Moon in 10th house suggests political progress, workplace changes, efficient work, and eye care. Aquarius: Moon in 9th house brings luck, business orders, socializing benefits, and caution in driving. Pisces: Moon in 8th house warns of family disputes, business stress, workplace unease, and vehicle caution.