Hina Khan To Rupali Ganguly, Celebs Make Stylish Appearance At An Awards Function Actor Karanvir Sharma looked dapper in a dark grey suit paired with white sneakers. Richa Chadha looked stunning in a black dress paired with white gloves. Tina Dutta mesmerised in an embellished ivory saree. YRKKH actor Harshad Chopra looked sharp in formals. Hina Khan made everyone drool in a black gown with a thigh-high slit. Rupali Ganguly looked graceful in a saree as she arrived with her husband and son. Actress Nikita Dutta looked gorgeous in a crimson dress with a plunging neckline. Karan Tacker slayed the all black look in a pantsuit. Sanjana Sanghi rocked a stylish floral printed co-ord set.