Carrots are among the best sources of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Carrots help in eye health and lowering blood pressure when taken regularly.
Sweet potatoes have high nutrient density and a vitamin A supply; they have been noted to lower the levels of homocysteine, the amino acid which has been linked with having a lower risk of developing heart diseases.
Tomatoes are endowed with antioxidants as well as vitamin C and lycopene. The average sized tomato fulfills about 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin A.
Leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, methi leaves, and lettuce are an excellent source of vitamin A along with potassium, calcium, and protein. These vegetables work wonders for overall health and immunity.
Peas are versatile vegetable, provide almost double the recommended daily intake vitamin A. They come with very high vitamin C, K and B contents.
Popularly known as the King of Fruits, mangoes are rich in vitamin A. A medium-sized mango may fulfills the daily requirement of vitamin in itself, making it a tasty and healthy treat.
Papaya is an all-season fruit that has fibrous material and all-important vitamins. This helps digestion and is easy on constipation.
Milk is a great source of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin A. Milk products like yogurt, cheese, and butter; they all offer some amount of this essential vitamin.
Fatty fishes like tuna, salmon, oyster, and mackerel are said to be the best sources of vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids. These vitamins support healthy eyes and guard against macular degeneration.