Stress Awareness Month: How Food Habits Affect Stress Levels
Impact of Lifestyle and Food Habits on Stress Levels:
Food has a major impact on our mental well-being.
Ayurvedic principles emphasise this connection, and Pathyam (dietary guidelines) is used as a tool to address imbalances.
Our modern lifestyle has shifted from one that was in harmony with nature's seasonal offerings.
Making informed dietary choices and incorporating them as habits plays a crucial role in managing non-communicable diseases, which can be exacerbated by stress.
Food Habits to Inculcate for Healthy Living:
What to eat? Consume the essential nutrients including seasonal vegetables and fruits in your diet to ensure getting micronutrients and minrals to protect yourself from seasonal illnesses and deficiencies.
How to eat? Take time to eat mindfully and chew food thoroughly with the help of saliva to aid digestion Shift
When to Eat? Eating meals at consistent times is crucial, particularly having an early and light dinner by 6 pm to promote easy digestion and leads to better sleep quality
How much to eat? Ancient wisdom advises moderation in eating, with fasting for periodic cleansing and rest for the digestive system.
Inputs by: Dr Karthiyayini Mahadevan, Head, Wellness and Wellbeing at Columbia Pacific Communities.