Know About The Potential Health Benefits And Side-Effects Of Lemon Grass

Some of the potential health benefits of Lemongrass:

Aids Digestion: Lemongrass helps prevent constipation, bloating, and digestive issues by promoting digestive enzymes for better nutrient absorption.

Relieves Pain and Inflammation: Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce pain and inflammation, making it useful for conditions like arthritis, headaches, and muscle pain.

Boosts Immune System: Lemongrass contains antimicrobial and antibacterial compounds, such as citral and limonene, which can strengthen the immune system.

Lowers Cholesterol: Studies show lemongrass can help lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Diuretic Properties: Lemongrass aids in urine production, helping to detoxify the liver and kidneys.

Reduces Anxiety and Stress: With antidepressant properties, lemongrass promotes serotonin release, improving mood and mental well-being.

Controls Obesity: Citral in lemongrass helps utilize stored energy and reduce belly fat, enhancing weight loss when combined with a balanced diet.

Possible Side-Effects Of Lemongrass:

Tiredness, increased urination, dry mouth, extreme hunger, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting are all unusual but possible adverse effects.

If you have a lemongrass allergy, you are more prone to encounter symptoms such as high heart rate, difficulty breathing, itching, and rash.

If you have any disease or condition, are pregnant, have a low potassium level, have a slow heart rate, or are using any prescription diuretics, you should avoid lemongrass and its oil.