Celebrate this vibrant festival of Janmashtami with this recipe of barley and quinoa salad that will add a healthy taste to this festival.
The things required are shown as above
1. Take a bowl mix roasted cumin powder, tamarind pulp, sugar, salt and chaat masala and mix it will until combined.
2. Take mixing bowl add in quinoa, barley, sweet potato, avocado and add in the prepared dressing and mix it well until combined.
3. Take a serving plate put a ring cutter in between and add in the mixture, set it and slowly remove the ring cutter.
4. In the same bowl add in both lettuce and mix it nicely and add it around the quinoa and barley salad.
5. Garnish with micro greens and and beetroot sliced and serve.
Chef Aditi Dixit, CYK Hospitalities