Due to its lack of fibre and essential nutrients, frequent intake of this type of rice may lead to varying levels of sugar in the blood and increase diabetes chances.
Deep fried food items like doughnuts or fries can be too fatty, thus its become bad for those struggling with insulin resistance or inflamed cells.
Breakfast cereals contain refined sugar and grains that will cause rapid spikes in blood glucose levels.
Consumption of high-sugar candies and chocolates gives room for an increase in weight as well as insulin resistance.
These include hot dogs and sausages that have unhealthy fats and preservatives that negatively affect metabolism thus increasing diabetes chances.
Milk cheese cream contains saturated fats which is a promote fat accumulation due to its full fat contents.
Soda pop energy drinks increase the level of refined sugar making them leading cause of diabetic conditions by triggering spurts of blood sugar level.
It is made from refined flours with glycemic index being high thereby resulting into type 2 diabetes when consumed frequently.
Fruit juice frequently cause rapid increases in blood sugar because they have high natural sugars but no fiber.
Refined carbohydrates, fats, and salt present in it make them unhealthy, thus facilitating an increase in body weight along with poor control over glucose levels.