Priyanka Chopra earned massive acclaim for her versatile performance in 7 Khoon Maaf Under Bhardwaj's direction, fans saw Shahid Kapoor like never before in Haider Makdee, Vishal's debut film was screened at the Critics Week Section at 2003 Cannes. It had stellar performances Shahid's another collab with Vishal Bhardwaj in Kaminey was a massive success The Blue Umbrella had Pankaj Kapur at his best, another performance to credit Vishal Bhardwaj for Maqbool, an ensemble film, with stellar performances by Tabu and Irrfan, thank you Vishal Bhardwaj for this film Omkara gave audiences a Saif Ali Khan in a kind of negative role never seen before Kangana Ranaut stole the show in Rangoon under Vishal Bhardwaj's direction Matru Ki Bijli Ka Mandola gave audiences another stellar performance by Pankaj Kapur For such rich performances that Bhardwaj has managed from actors, he can rightly be called an actor's director