Hansika Motwani is all set to tie the knot with her fiancé-businessman Sohael Kathuriya in Jaipur. Before their wedding, they had a daytime party to start the day. The couple decided to host an all-white pre-wedding party for their guests. Hansika wore a shimmering, beaded white gown and paired it with sunglasses. The two drove up in a stylish white convertible to the venue. Sohael looked sharp in an all-white tux, matching Hansika's outfit. The duo also grooved to a Bollywood number. New pictures from Hansika and Sohael's haldi ceremony have also been shared. The bride-to-be donned a traditional white outfit with a simple floral pattern. Hansika and Sohael's wedding ceremony is expected to be held at the Mundota Fort.