Hansika Motwani and Sohael Khaturiya tied-the-knot in a lavish wedding ceremony in Jaipur. The couple's wedding pictures are nothing less than dreamy. Hansika and Sohael look made for each other as they take the wedding vows. Pictures and videos from Hansika's wedding are trending big time on social media. Hansika looked gorgeous in a red lehenga while Sohael complemented her in a white and golden sherwani. The couple had a rocking Sangeet night with all the fun and frolic. Hansika and Sohael looked adorable together. Hansika opted for a floral printed white outfit for her haldi ceremony. She looked gorgeous in a red kurta as she flaunted her bridal mehendi. Hansika had a fun-filled bachelorette party in Greece with her gal pals, days before her wedding.