Popular celebrities marked their presence at the GQ Best Dressed Awards in Mumbai. Shriya Pilgaonkar arrived in a co-ord set paired with a white oversized blazer. Prateek Babbar looked like a shining armour in a grey pantsuit. Sanjana Sanghi looked stylish in an embellished pantsuit with a bra top. Esha Gupta raised the temperature in a printed blue bodysuit. Chitrangada Singh looked a true diva in a shimmery golden gown with a cape. Content creator Ruhee Dosani rocked a white pantsuit. Amyra Dastur looked chic in a blue dress. Rohit Saraf cast a spell in a rust coloured pantsuit paired with black shirt. Mithila Palkar exuded grace in a hot pink gown. Fashion designer Kunal Rawal rocked an all black look. Content creator Sejal Kumar added an artistic touch to her black dress. Babil Khan made a stylish appearance in a teal green suede pantsuit. Shantanu Maheshwari looked a dapper in a white ensemble. All image courtesy: Manav Manglani.