Television actor and host Arjun Bijlani has shifted into a new home on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. The actor shared glimpses of Ganesh Puja at his new abode. The pictures also feature his best friends and former co-actors Mouni Roy and Nia Sharma. Mouni Roy shared a picture with Arjun as she congratulated him on his new achievement. Nia Sharma appreciated the beauty of Arjun's spacious new house. Arjun's wife and blogger Neha Swami Bijlani also gave glimpses of their family time. The couple is elated to welcome Bappa in their new home. Several of Arjun's industry friends including Ankita Lokhande's husband Vicky Jain attended the grih pravesh. Arjun during the aarti. We congratulate Arjun and Neha for their dream home.