Upcoming Games With A Quirky Twist: Killer Bean, Screenbound, More

Looking for a game that has a quiry twist to it?

Here is a list of top 7 such upcoming games for you.

Killer Bean- This first and third person roguelike shooter game will be released in 2024.

Screenbound- This game makes you play in 2d and 3d at the same time. The release date has not been made public yet.

Kingmakers- This one's an action/strategy game set in medieval times. You'll be bringing guns to a sword fight after the game releases this year.

Duckside- In this PVP game, you will play as a duck who weilds a gun. What the duck, right? The release date has not been announced though.

Zoochosis- It is a body cam horror game where you will be playing as the zoo keeper who must save mutant animals. Release date hasn't been announced yet.

Squirrel With A Gun- You thought they were little fur babies? These are no saints and will do anything for golden acorns. Again, no release date has been announced.

Dinoblade- Ever though you'll see a dinosaur wielding a sword? Look no further man. This 1V1 fast paced action game has no fixed release date yet.

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