Pokemon Emerald Cheat Codes For Catching Other Trainers' Pokemons

Welcome abode, Trainer!

In this guide we will mention the steps to activate the cheat code for catching other trainers' Pokemons for Visual Boy Advance Emulator.

Obtain the Pokemon owned by another trainer with this code:

B6C5368A 08BE8FF4

E151C402 8A229A83
8E883EFF 92E9660D

After applying this code and before throwing a Poke ball, make sure to press L+R to get a good egg.

In this guide, we will mention the steps to activate cheat codes for the Visual Boy Advance Emulator.

Launch the Emulator > Go to the menu > Select the file > Open the Pokemon Emerald game ROM.

Select cheats menu > From the pop-up menu, select Gameshark > Enter the desired cheat code > Press 'OK' twice to go back to the game.