Flora Saini is one of the probable contestants of Salman Khan's show 'Bigg Boss 16'. Flora was recently spotted in a casual yet glamorous avatar. The actress paired her baby pink lace-up bustier top with a pair of blue jeans. Flora was seen in the films Stree, Fraud Saiyaan, Dabbang 2, Lakshmi, Dhanak, MSG and others. She was also part of OTT series Gandi Baat Season 2 and Nagesh Kukunoor's web series 'City Of Dreams.' She has also acted in a short film called 'Motherland'. The rumuours of her being part of 'Bigg Boss 16' doing the rounds for quite some time now. There is no official confirmation on Flora being part of Bigg Boss yet. The actress is quite active on social media and keeps her fan updated with frequent posts. It would be interesting to see her on Bigg Boss.