Esha Gupta is setting screens on fire with her latest pictures. The actress dropped some pictures on Instagram looking like a black beauty. Esha can be seen wearing an off-shoulder high-slit black gown. She wore a matching pair of heels to go with her outfit. Esha Gupta kept her tresses open and opted for a nude make-up. She wore a pair of statement earrings and carried a small purse to complete her look. The 'Jannat 2' actress looks drop dead gorgeous in this scintillating look. Esha Gupta made her debut in Bollywood opposite Emraan Hashmi in 'Jannat 2'. She then featured in 'Raaz 3D', 'Rustom', 'Baadshaho' and others movies. She was last seen starring in the 2021 MX Player web series 'Nakaab'.