Jacqueliene Fernandez Shares Stunning Looks From 'Yimmy Yimmy' Song Jacqueliene Fernandez is ruling the gram with her gorgeous looks, these days. The actress has been sharing glimpses of various events and her drool-worthy looks for the same. She recently featured in a music video titled 'Yimmy Yimmy' sung by Tayc and Shreya Ghoshal. Jacqueline shared a series of pictures featuring her looks from the song. She looks absolutely drool-worthy in all of them. Jacqueline can be seen oozing oomph with her hot and sexy looks. She can be seen flaunting her toned figure and curves in the sensuous outfits. The diva is making fans and followers groove with her moves in the song. All Image: Jacqueliene Fernandez/Instagram.