Take a look at the beautiful celebs at Bhagyashree's birthday. Bhagyashree celebrated her 55th birthday on February 23rd. The A-listers of Bollywood showed up to her grand birthday bash. Bhagyashree's daughter Avantika Dassani and son Abhimanyu Dassani were also there. Madhuri Dixit was among the many famous faces who attended Bhagyashree's birthday party. Sanjay Kapoor looked vibrant in an orange printed shirt. Bigg Boss OTT 2 fame Jiya Shankar was also there. Boney Kapoor graced the party in a kurta pyjama. Neena Gupta showed up in a short white dress. Nushrratt Bharuccha turned heads in an off-shoulder attire. Images Source: Manav Manglani