Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant Wedding: Ranveer Singh Looks Regal In A Multicoloured Outfit Ranveer Singh recently turned heads with his distinctive fashion at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding. His attire exuded royalty while still reflecting his vibrant personality. Ranveer Singh took to social media to share his stunning looks from Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding. Wearing a long kurta with colorful stripes, the actor added extra flair to his jaw-dropping royal look He added an extra charm with his ponytail, shiny beard, and shades. As he shared the look, he explained it well in the caption with two emojis 'πβ¨' Apart from this, Ranveer also recreated his 'Khilji' look for one of the events. Netizens took to the comments section and appreciated his pictures. All images: Instagram/Ranveer Singh