Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with each study session.

Create A Distraction Free Environment: Minimize distractions to maintain focus and enhance productivity.

Set Realistic Expectation: Avoid overloading yourself with unrealistic goals or excessive study hours.

Reward Yourself: Celebrate your accomplishments, big or small, to stay motivated.

Seek Clarification When Needed: Don't hesitate to ask questions or seek clarifications from teachers.

Create A Study Schedule: Plan dedicated study time and stick to a consistent schedule.

Stay Balanced: Maintain a healthy balance between studying and other aspects of life.

Engage With Different Learning Styles: Experiment with different learning styles to discover what works the best for you.

Embracing Failure: View setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

Stay Motivated: Set short term and long term goals and stay motivated by recalling your academic aspirations.