Disha Patani, Tara Sutaria, Arjun Kapoor were spotted at the Ek Villain 2 promotions Arjun Kapoor, Tara and Disha will be starring together in the film alongside John Abraham Ek Villain 2 marks the sequel of the successful first installment Ek Villain which released in 2014 Disha wore a yellow sleeveless crop top with blue distressed jeans Arjun Kapoor wore black jeans and black shirt Meanwhile, Tara Sutaria wore a brown metallic off-shoulder dress Tara, Disha and Arjun were all smiles for the paparazzi Ek Villain 2 has been directed by Mohit Suri who also helmed the first installment Ek Villain 2 will release on July 29, 2022 ( All Pics Credit: Manav Manglani)