Aamir Khan hosted a special screening of his film 'Laal Singh Chaddha' in Mumbai. Kareena Kapoor Khan attended the screening with husband Saif Ali Khan. Aamir Khan's ex-wife Kiran Rao also attended the screening. Kiran has recently announced his second directorial venture. Ranveer Singh attended the screening in a black bandhgala and Deepika chose a sea green pantsuit for the evening. Kareena Kapoor Khan looked beautiful in a sheer ivory kurta with floral motifs embroidered on it with an embroidered dupatta. Aamir's kids Junaid and Ira were also present for the screening. Junaid had also given the look test for the film. Team 'Laal Singh Chaddha': Naga Chaitanya, writer Atul Kulkarni and director Advait Chandan pose for the shutterbugs. Richa Chadha turned up for the screening dressed up in all black. She will tie the knot with Ali Fazal this year. Kalki Koechlin looks gorgeous in a white dress. Tisca Chopra too attended the screening. Tisca has worked with Aamir in 'Taare Zameen Par'. Vijay Varma, who has been getting rave reviews for his film 'Darlings', was also present at the screening. Randeep Hooda clicked as he arrives for the screening. Actor Shiv Panditt arrives for the screening dressed in all white. Actor Rohit Sharaf, who will soon be seen in season 2 of 'Mismatched' on Netflix, poses for photographs. Ranveer Singh's family was also present at the screening. His parents were dressed up in black, his sister opted for mauve colour pant suit. Casting director Mukesh Chhabra arrives for the screening. Actor Kunal Kapoor turned up for the screening in a retro getup. 'Love Sex Aur Dhokha' actor Anshuman Jha with his partner Sierra Winters. The couple will tie the knot in October this year. Pathan Brothers - Irfan Pathan and Yusuf Pathan were too present for the screening. Director Ashutosh Gowariker, who directed Aamir in 'Lagaan', also attended the screening.