Deepika Padukone posed with actor-comedian Mindy Kaling at the Oscars' after-party. Ram Charan and his wife Upasana Konnidela also struck a pose with Mindy. Earlier, Upasana shared glimpses of 'RRR' party at Rajamouli's LA residence post their Oscars win. 'Naatu Naatu' composer M.M. Keeravani made everyone sway as he played the piano. For the Vanity Fair after-party, Deepika dressed in a hot pink feather dress. She looked gorgeous as ever in the dramatic outfit. Jacqueline Fernandez also shared glimpses from Elton John Aids Foundation Oscar Party. The diva looked jaw-dropping in a black gown with a sheer touch. Preity Zinta also attended the Oscars party mesmerising everyone in a black gown. Preity was accompanied by her husband Gene Goodenough.