Deepika Padukone is setting some major fashion goals with her stunning looks at Cannes 2022. The gorgeous actress' Day 3 look is simply breathtaking. Deepika looks absolutely enchanting in a red gown. Her drool-worthy gown is from the house of fashion label Louis Vuitton. Deepika paired her stunning dress with a strikingly beautiful diamond necklace. She completed her look with a messy high ponytail and bold red lipstick. Deepika is undoubtedly killing it with her look. She earlier wore a shimmer dress by Louis Vuitton and hogged the limelight for her stylish look. Deepika simply stole hearts with her retro look in a Sabyasachi saree. And not to forget the way she slayed in a black pantsuit by ArdAzAei's. All Image and Video Courtesy: Deepika Padukone/Instagram.