10 Traditional Looks Of Bhumi Pednekar Bhumi Pednekar steals the show in this dreamy off-white lehenga with an embellished bralette. This off white lehenga with gold embellishments will definitely give you a royal look. The actor recently grabbed attention in this black animal-striped silk saree and this bold cage blouse. The blue silk saree with golden prints on it will look great on you if you have to attend a wedding. This black embellished lehenga which Bhumi paired with an embellished blouse looks really elegant and gorgeous. For fashion buffs, this lehenga with frills and embellishments looks elegant and is a must-try this wedding season. This lehenga is adorned with mirrorwork and sequins and the actor paired it with a lovely monochrome blouse. This unique black outfit will definitely steel the show at all parties. Bhumi Pednekar's deep-cut, sleeveless blouse with the metallic detailing looks trendy and catches attention immediately. Bhoomi paired an embellished, plunging neckline choli with this colourful floral pastel lehenga.