Image Source: ISRO

The Launch Vehicle Mark III will carry Chandrayaan-3 to space on July 14, 2023

Image Source: ISRO

Chandrayaan-3 will be launched at 2:35 pm IST, from Sriharikota

Image Source: ISRO

Chandrayaan-3 aims to place a lander and a rover on the Moon's highlands near the south pole

Image Source: ISRO

Another objective of Chandrayaan-3 is to demonstrate end-to-end landing and roving capabilities

Image Source: ISRO

Chandrayaan-3 also aims to conduct in-situ scientific experiments

Image Source: ISRO

Chandrayaan-3 also aims to develop and demonstrate new technologies required for interplanetary missions

Image Source: ISRO

Chandrayaan-3 consists of a lander, a rover and a propulsion module

Image Source: ISRO

The lander's payloads are ChasTE, ILSA, Langmuir Probe, LRA and RAMBHA

Image Source: ISRO

The rover's payloads are APXS and LIBS, and that of the propulsion module is SHAPE

Image Source: ISRO

Chandrayaan-3 has a mission life of one lunar day, or 14 Earth days. It is expected to land on the Moon in August

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