The grand finale of 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 12' was shot in film city Mumbai on Sunday. Sriti Jha arrives for the shoot. Rajiv Adatia was also spotted for the grand finale shoot. Aneri Vajani poses for the camera after getting ready for the shoot. 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 12' host Rohit Shetty was clicked while he arrives for the finale shoot. Rajiv Adatia and Sriti Jha happily pose for the camera. Jannat Zubair, who has a huge Instagram following, is reportedly one of the finalists this season. Pratik Sehajpal poses with Mohit Malik and his son. Pratik will next be seen in Ekta Kapoor's 'Naagin 6'. Jannat Zubair and Chetna Malik, who are friends in real life, clicked together. Pooja Hegde will also be seen on the grand finale. She will be promoting her film 'Cirkus'.