The pre-wedding activities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant are currently coming to an end. The couple is set to tie the knot on July 12. Anjali Merchant Majithia, Radhika Merchant's sister, draws attention amid the festivities. She is the oldest child of Viren Merchant, the CEO of Encore Pharmaceuticals, and his wife Shaila Merchant. Anjali was born in Mumbai in 1989, however her roots are in Kutch, Gujarat. After completing her education at John Connon School and The Cathedral, she attended Ecole Mondiale World School. After that, she took off for the United States to attend Babson College in Massachusetts. Anjali continued her studies by pursuing an MBA at the London School of Business. Anjali married Aman Majithia in 2020 in Goa. Photo credit: Manav Manglani