SRK looked dapper in a white pathani while Gauri and AbRam shined bright in blue and black. Superstar Rajinikanth went for white while his wife and daughter opted for bright hues. Ananya Panday looked magical in a multi-coloured lehenga. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt well complemented each other in pastel hues. Aditya Roy Kapur looked dapper in a white bandhgala. Madhuri Dixit wore an intricate saree while Dr Sriram Nene shone in a wine sherwani. Salman Khan stole the show in a black kurta pajama and sherwani. Kareena Kapoor oozed grace in muted golden outfit while Saif and Taimur twinned in black sherwanis. Shanaya Kapoor looked graceful in a red saree. Suhana Khan opted for a beige saree with an off-shoulder blouse. Janhvi Kapoor paid ode to her south Indian roots in a lehenga. Deepika Padukone grabbed eyeballs in a dazzling red saree. Sidharth Malhotra opted for white while Kiara looked magical in a multi-hued saree in muted colours. All Image: Manav Manglani.