Priyanka Chopra recently wowed everyone with her stunning looks as she attended a Bulgari event. Priyanka Chopra is the global ambassador of the luxury brand. The actress made everyone swoon over her stylish look in a black dress. Priyanka's shimmery black bodycon dress featured a plunging neckline that flaunted her assets. The diva sported a gorgeous Bvlgari necklace and ring to complement her outfit. Priyanka's husband Nick Jonas went all hearts over her pics and commented with '🥵' emoji. For Day 1, Priyanka sported a short hair look with an off-shoulder dress in black and white. The highlight of her look was the giant diamond necklace that she wore with matching earrings and ring. Priyanka Chopra's looks from the Bvlgari event are absolutely worth drooling over. All Image: Priyanka Chopra/Instagram.