Bollywood celebrities walked the ramp as showstoppers to kick off Lakme Fashion Week 2024. Sara Ali Khan grabbed attention with her exquisite traditional attire during her runway walk. Diana Penty dressed in a gorgeous embellished lehenga. Malaika Arora donned a green and yellow lehenga as she turned showstopper. Taapsee Pannu wore an all-black velvet off-shoulder mermaid gown. Rakul Preet Singh slipped into a dazzling black and white outfit. Triptii Dimri turned showstopper for Shantnu and Nikhil at Lakme Fashion Week. Janhvi Kapoor looked stunning in a gorgeous mermaid lehenga. Madhuri Dixit walked the ramp wearing a pantsuit at Lakme Fashion Week. Photo credit: Instagram (lakmefashionwk)