Celebs Attend Munjya Screening In Style: Shraddha Kapoor aced the all black look. Parul Gulati opted for a casual look in a t-shirt and jeans. Aly Goni looked cool in a black shirt and washed jeans. Sunny Kaushal stole hearts in a checkered shirt and light blue jeans. Munjya actress Mona Singh looked elegant in a black dress. Amruta Khanvalkar looked chic in a crop top and skinny jeans. Sharvari Wagh, who plays the protagonist in Munjya, opted for a checked mini dress with stockings and bellies. Sharad Kelkar rocked cool dude look in a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans. Kriti Sanon oozed grace in a colour blocked dress and matching heels. Munjya actor Abhay Verma looked suave in a pantsuit. Ridhima Pandit opted for a swanky look in black top and cargo pants. Katrina Kaif's sister Isabella Kaif looked lovely in a bright floral printed dress. All Image: Manav Manglani.