Kriti Sanon stunned in a midsummer ensemble made up of cargo pants and a bralette. Kriti offered an eccentric summer that they should add to their collection. A video of the actor was posted on Instagram by celebrity stylist Sukriti Grover. The actor can be seen posing for the camera in the BTS clip from a magazine photo shoot. Kriti wore a mauve bikini top layered with a crochet bralette, a patterned blazer and cargo pants. It is Saaksha and Kinni's jacket, however the pants and bralette are from Huemnm. Kriti added jewellery with a boho-chic vibe to complete the look. She went with pale eye shadow and pink lips for her glam choices. Her hair was done in delicate waves and left loose with a side parting. Photo credit: Instagram (sukritigrover)