Esha Deol has been hitting the headlines for her divorce with ex-husband Bharat Takhtani. Esha Deol and Bharat Takhtani mutually divorced after 11 years of marriage. The actress' decision got supported by her mother and actor-politician Hema Malini. However, father Dharmendra believes that she should consider her decision for the sake of her children. Esha and Bharat share two daughters- Radhya and Miraya. Recently, Hema Malini shared that Esha is 'interested' in politics. The 'Dhoom' actor might join a political party in future. Currently, Esha is working on OTT projects and also acts as a producer. Esha's mother Hema Malini serves as a BJP member of Lok Sabha from Mathura. All Image: Esha Deol/Instagram.