Birthday Girl Priyanka Chopra Is A Style Queen, Here's Proof Priyanka Chopra celebrates her 42nd birthday today, on July 18. The former Miss World is a global icon. Along with her acting chops, Priyanka is also hailed for her fashion sense. From red carpet events to hubby Nick's music concerts, Priyanka carries her own unique style. Be it any designer, Priyanka adds her spark to her looks. Priyanka had the internet drooling over this stunning look of hers from a Bvlgari event. From chic pieces to traditional jewellery, Priyanka knows how to ace it all. The Desi Girl wowed with her gorgeous look in a lehenga at the Ambani wedding. We wish the global icon and style queen Priyanka Chopra a very Happy Birthday! All Image: Priyanka Chopra/Instagram.