Top Inspirational Quotes Of NR Narayana Murthy

It Is Better To Underpromise And Overdeliver Than Vice Versa

Leadership Is About Doing The Right Thing, Even If It Going Against A Vast Number Of Naysayers And Mediocre People

Performance Leads To Recognition. Recognition Brings Respect. Respect Enhances Power. Humility And Grace In One’s Moments Of Power Enhances The Dignity Of An Organisation

The Real Power Of Money Is The Power To Give It Away

Startups Are About Entrepreneurs Coming Up With An Idea Whose Proposition Is Very Different From Any Existing Idea In The Market. Startups Are About A Set Of People Whose Collective Experience Can Test An Idea’s Market Fit And Scale It Up

Organisations With Decision-Making Speed And Imagination Will Thrive As Nobody Can Claim To Have A Monopoly Over Creativity

You Become A Star Not Because Of Your Title; You Become A Star Because You Are Adding Star Value To The Company