From Vicky Kaushal To Tabu, celebs made Richa and Ali's wedding reception party a starry affair. Taapsee Pannu looked extremely pretty in a pastel lehenga. Karishma Tanna turned heads in a black sheer saree. Vivaan Shah was all suited up in black. Esha Gupta mesmerised in a pastel lehenga. Richa and Ali's 'Fukrey' co-star Pulkit Samrat arrived with girlfriend Kriti Kharbanda. Swara Bhasker looked resplendent in a pink lehenga. Akshay Oberoi looked cool in a white ensemble and blue blazer. Siddharth Kapoor arrived in a black kurta pajama with his girlfriend. Actors Ashutosh Rana and Renuka Shahane looked picture perfect. Sayani Gupta grabbed eyeballs in a pastel saree. Kalki Koechlin looked gorgeous in a pastel embroidered lehenga. Divya Dutta gave festive vibes with her traditional look. Amyra Dastur grabbed the spotlight in an embroidered green lehenga. Hrithik Roshan and ladylove Saba Azad looked all set for the party in their formal outfits. Tabu infused some colours with her bright and colourful traditional ensemble.