Bhavana Pandey Wishes Birthday Girl Maheep Kapoor With Adorable Throwback Pictures Maheep Kapoor celebrates her 50th birthday today, on April 30. On the occasion, her best friend and Chunky Panday's wife Bhavana Pandey shared a series of throwback pics. Married to actor Sanjay Kapoor, Maheep is one of the most popular Bollywood wives. She has also starred in 'The Fabulous Lives Of Bollywood Wives' with Bhavana, Neelam and Seema Sajdeh. Bhavana and Maheep became friends at the age of 21. Bhavana wrote, 'To all the crazy years of all the adventures , madness and a roller coaster ride of emotions !!! 🤪🥂' Bhavana's daughter Ananya Panday and Maheep's daughter Shanaya are also best friends. Gauri Khan, Bhavana Pandey and Maheep Kapoor are the popular Bollywood wives' trio. All Image: @bhavanapandey/instagram.