Shilpa Shetty, Yami Gautam, Disha Parmar and many other celebs looked stunning in their ethnic wear on Karwa Chauth 2021. Ditching her popular sari look, this year Shilpa Shetty was all decked up in a beautiful red suit. Yami Gautam looked gorgeous in a red and gold kanjeevaram saree. Disha Parmar wore a red saree with a stylishly designed blouse. Sonali Bendre wore her wedding lehenga from 19 years ago. Bigg Boss fame Sapna Chaudhary opted for a red and silver lehenga. Divyanka Tripathi looked lovely in a bright red sari. Mahhi Vij opted for a bright red salwar-suit. Kapil Sharma's wife Ginni Chatrath looked pretty in her printed red anarkali suit. Esha Deol shared her gorgeous red look on Karwa Chauth.