Athiya Shetty And KL Rahul's Dreamy Wedding Album Bollywood actress Athiya Shetty married cricketer KL Rahul on January 23. The intimate wedding ceremony took place at actor Suniel Shetty's farmhouse in Khandala. Athiya looked royal in a beige chikankari lehenga by designer Anamika Khanna. Their haldi ceremony pictures are ultimate couple goals. Athiya sharing a joyous moment with brother Ahaan Shetty. Athiya and Rahul look made for each other in the pictures. Sharing the pictures, they captioned it, 'Sukh'. Athiya also shared images from her post wedding ritual. The Sangeet ceremony was all about fun fun and frolic. Athiya and Rahul lost in each other's eyes during the mehendi ceremony. All Image: Athiya Shetty, KL Rahul/Instagram.