On Tuesday, the makers organised a special screening of the movie. Anurag Kashyap's upcoming movie ‘Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat' is about to release. Anurag posed with his daughter Aaliyah Kashyap and her boyfriend Shane Gregoire. In attendance during the screening were members of the film's cast and crew. The leading lady Alaya F arrived in a denim-on-denim look. Aryan Khan was also there, even though he didn't engage with the paps. Radhika Apte came in a formal look at the premiere. 'Bijlee Bijlee' fame Palak Tiwari also attended the screening. Huma Qureshi came in a light green chikankari suit. Khushi Kapoor can be seen in a beige sweatshirt. All Images: Manav Manglani