The Hungama Style Icons 2023 Awards ceremony took place in Mumbai on a Friday night. Many Bollywood celebrities walked the red carpet in style. Mouni Roy looked stunning in her sassy persona. Bhumi Pednekar sparkled in a glamorous gown. Kriti Sanon and Anushka Sharma at the red carpet. Richa Chadha lit up the red carpet in a chic look. ‘Darlings’ actor Vijay Varma in a green and blue suit. Vaani Kapoor in a strapless floral dress. Actress Poonam Dhillon in a red saree. Isha Koppikar dazzled the night. Shriya Saran came in a silver gown. Rohit Shetty and Arjun Kapoor posed together. Images Source: Manav Manglani