Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma once again set couple goals during the former 100th Test felicitation ceremony. Virat Kohli's 100th Test felicitation ceremony took place at IS Bindra Stadium in Mohali. Doting wife Anushka cheering for hubby as he was being felicitated. Anushka opted for a white ruffled top to complement her husband in a white jersey. Anushka can be standing next to Virat as the duo pose for cameras. Ahead of the match, Virat thanked Anushka in an interview to Virat was felicitated by coach Rahul Dravid in the presence of the entire Indian team. Virat and Anushka have been married for four years. The couple is parents to 1-year-old daughter Vamika. All Pics Credit: Twitter/BCCI, Virushka FC