Aishwarya Rai Bachchan shared a sneak-peek from her 48th birthday on Instagram. Earlier, Abhishek shared a picture of Aishwarya posing by the poolside. The actress can be seen twinning with her daughter Aaradhya with matching floral tiaras. Aishwarya also shared a picture, where she was seen posing with her mother Vrinda Rai and Aaradhya. The actress often shares family pics on Instagram. This one is from her mother’s 70th birthday bash. Recently the actress hit the headlines as she walked the ramp of Paris Fashion Week. The actress stole the limelight with her confidence on the ramp. The Bachchans posing together at New Year's bash. On work front, Aishwarya is all set to make her comeback with Mani Ratnam's film 'Ponniyin Selvan'.